srijeda, 26. siječnja 2011.

Backgammon Newsletter - Vol. 13, #2-4

Backgammon Newsletter - Vol. 13, #2-4
25 Jan 2011 



Tournament Report - 2011 ABT US Open Backgammon Championships 
Mary Hickey
Tournament Report - 2011 ABT US Open Backgammon Championships
20 Jan 2011  -  by Mary Hickey
Mary Hickey reports on the 3rd ABT US Open Backgammon Championships held in Fort Lauderdale, Florida on January 14 through January 17, 2011.

Rating: Article rated by 7 users  4.71

Feature Columnists

Small Town Girl Makes Good: Mary Hickey Wins Back-to-back U.S. Opens 
Mary Hickey
Small Town Girl Makes Good: Mary Hickey Wins Back-to-back U.S. Opens
25 Jan 2011  -  by Steve Sax
On January 17th, 2011 Mary Hickey completed one of the most unlikely "three-peats" in backgammon history, completing a trilogy of female domination at the U.S. Open backgammon championships over the past three years.

Rating: Article rated by 5 users  5.00

Mythbusters 1: Make the 5 Point 
Mythbusters 1: Make the 5 Point
25 Jan 2011  -  by Stick
When I started playing backgammon I heard a lot of backgammon proverbs. Over the next set of articles I'll be inspecting these proverbs and hopefully adding an element or two to your game to help keep your error rating down.

Rating: Article rated by 8 users  4.88

Jake Jacobs
10 Jan 2011  -  by Jake Jacobs
I know you are all groggy from Christmas grog, and New Year's Eve has left you uneven, so while you are in a weakened state I'll hit you with a pop quiz. Perhaps this will inspire a New Year's resolution: never take quizzes while you've been drinking.

Rating: Article rated by 5 users  4.80


Defeating Jokers 
Phil Simborg
Defeating Jokers
20 Jan 2011  -  by Phil Simborg
"Jokers" are those 35 to 1 or 17 to 1 shots that ruin your life. They can also be the be 11/36 roll if you give your opponent a direct shot to win when you could choose not to. Jokers can ruin your entire weekend!

Rating: Article rated by 9 users  4.56

GammonVillage Magazine surađuje sa Dubrovnik Backgammon Open 2011 turnirom gdje će najbolje plasiranim igračima uz novčane nagrade biti dodijeljene, među ostalim, i dvije jednogodišnje pretplate na GammonVillage Magazine. Zahvaljujemo se glavnom uredniku GammonVillage Magazina, Melu Dragicevicu na podršci. Više informacija na Dubrovnik Backgammon Forumu.

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