srijeda, 5. siječnja 2011.

Backgammon Newsletter - Vol. 13, #1

Backgammon Newsletter - Vol. 13, #1

04 Jan 2011 



Priority Thinking 
Clyde Wolpe
Priority Thinking
30 Dec 2010  -  by Clyde Wolpe
Priority thinking is the start of the backgammon thought process. Do whatever it takes to fulfill your priority and take the necessary risk if required. Sometimes your priority is obvious; on other occasions you'll have to dig a bit deeper to find the answer.

Rating: Article rated by 6 users  4.67

An Invitation to Novices and Social Players 
Mary Hickey
An Invitation to Novices and Social Players
18 Dec 2010  -  by Mary Hickey
When I talk with online players about making the move to live play, I am always surprised to hear that many of them have never played on a real board!

Rating: Article rated by 13 users  4.69

Six Great Habits for Success in Backgammon 
Phil Simborg
Six Great Habits for Success in Backgammon
07 Dec 2010  -  by Phil Simborg
I believe that there is one area of backgammon where I can legitimately claim to be No. 1: I have had the good fortune to take lessons and coaching from more of the game's top players than probably anyone else in the world.

Rating: Article rated by 10 users  4.00


Tournament Report - 2010 California State Backgammon Championships 
Malcolm Davis
Tournament Report - 2010 California State Backgammon Championships
08 Dec 2010  -  by Mary Hickey
Mary Hickey reports on the 2010 California State Backgammon Championships held in Las Vegas, Nevada on December 3 through December 5, 2010.

Rating: Article rated by 5 users  4.80

Feature Columnists

Across the Scores 
Douglas Zare
Across the Scores
04 Jan 2011  -  by Douglas Zare
When we play backgammon matches, we face a series of decisions at one match score, and then move on to the next score. It is an enlightening exercise to do the reverse.

Rating: Article rated by 1 user  5.00

John O'Hagan - One of Backgammon's True Gentlemen 
John O'Hagan
John O'Hagan - One of Backgammon's True Gentlemen
20 Dec 2010  -  by Steve Sax
Hailing from Valparaiso, Indiana, John O'Hagan has been playing for more than thirty years as he picked up the game between classes at Indiana University. He soon found that he was having reasonably good success.

Rating: Article rated by 8 users  4.63

Sporting Propositions 
Jake Jacobs
Sporting Propositions
10 Dec 2010  -  by Jake Jacobs
The Danes play Prop Chouettes with several variations on this theme: that when players disagree the disputed move or double is played ten times. They learn a lot from playing this way, one of the reasons Denmark now dominates world backgammon.

Rating: Article rated by 12 users  4.83

Repeated Shots 
Douglas Zare
Repeated Shots
02 Dec 2010  -  by Douglas Zare
Backgammon involves weighing risks against each other. As humans, we don't have to decide how much each position is worth, only which play is best.

Rating: Article rated by 9 users  4.89

Tutorials - Bot

2010 California State Backgammon Championships Final Match - Malcolm Davis vs. Wayne Jeffcoat - Game 1 
Malcolm Davis
2010 California State Backgammon Championships Final Match - Malcolm Davis vs. Wayne Jeffcoat - Game 1
30 Dec 2010  -  by Snowie 4 Pro
Snowie 4 Pro analyzes the 11-point Final match from the 2010 California State Backgammon Championships played between Malcolm Davis and Wayne Jeffcoat.

Rating: Article rated by 1 user  5.00

GammonVillage Magazine surađuje sa Dubrovnik Backgammon Open 2011 turnirom gdje će najbolje plasiranim igračima uz novčane nagrade biti dodijeljene, među ostalim, i dvije jednogodišnje pretplate na GammonVillage Magazine. Zahvaljujemo se glavnom uredniku GammonVillage Magazina, Melu Dragicevicu na podršci. Više informacija na Dubrovnik Backgammon Forumu.

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