utorak, 8. veljače 2011.

Backgammon Newsletter - Vol. 13, #5-6

Backgammon Newsletter - Vol. 13, #5-6

08 Feb 2011 


Feature Columnists

Memories (May Be Beautiful. And Yet...) 
Jake Jacobs
Memories (May Be Beautiful. And Yet...)
08 Feb 2011  -  by Jake Jacobs
According to legend when elephants compliment each other they say "you have a memory like Jake," but the stories of my memory are exaggerated. I have always had a good natural memory, but it peaked in my early teens.

Rating: Article rated by 2 users  5.00

Dangerous Redoubles 
Douglas Zare
Dangerous Redoubles
03 Feb 2011  -  by Douglas Zare
Backgammon match play is tricky since the points do not have the same value. It gets particularly interesting when the doubling cube is on 2 or higher, and those decisions are often very far from decisions in a money session.

Rating: Article rated by 5 users  4.80

GammonVillage Magazine surađuje sa Dubrovnik Backgammon Open 2011 turnirom gdje će najbolje plasiranim igračima uz novčane nagrade biti dodijeljene, među ostalim, i dvije jednogodišnje pretplate na GammonVillage Magazine. Zahvaljujemo se glavnom uredniku GammonVillage Magazina, Melu Dragicevicu na podršci. Više informacija na Dubrovnik Backgammon Forumu.

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