srijeda, 11. svibnja 2011.

Backgammon Newsletter - Vol. 13, #17-18, 10 May 2011

Denmark Versus The World 
Jake Jacobs
Denmark Versus The World
10 May 2011  -  by Jake Jacobs
For the past two years the Nordic Open has held an event called "Denmark versus the World." Two teams, one with seven Danes, the other, with seven players from anywhere else, compete.

Rating: Article rated by 3 users  5.00

The Backgammon Pentathlon 
Douglas Zare
The Backgammon Pentathlon
03 May 2011  -  by Douglas Zare
Backgammon match play is like a pentathlon from track and field. An athlete training for a pentathlon usually concentrates on one of the five events at a time, perhaps running one time, and then throwing a javelin another.

Rating: Article rated by 4 users  4.75

GammonVillage Magazine surađuje sa Dubrovnik Backgammon Open 2011 turnirom gdje će najbolje plasiranim igračima uz novčane nagrade biti dodijeljene, među ostalim, i dvije jednogodišnje pretplate na GammonVillage Magazine. Zahvaljujemo se glavnom uredniku GammonVillage Magazina, Melu Dragicevicu na podršci. Više informacija na Dubrovnik Backgammon Forumu.

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