subota, 30. travnja 2011.

WBF - XXIII European Backgammon Championship, Velden, utješni turnir

Tomislav Jurlin i Mislav Kovačić izgubili su mečeve utješnog turnira u pojedinačnoj konkurenciji, 2. divizija. Više o tome SMS-om (22:40) iz Veldena Mislav Kovačić:

Ispao sam u četvrtfinalu (4. kolo) Consolationa, Tomislav u 1. kolu. Isti nas je igrač izbacio (Grimaldi, Italija). Ja sam još odigrao dva jackpota od 50€ do 5pts za 8 igrača. U jednom sam ispao u polufinalu, a u drugom sam u finalu splitao lovu. Tomislav sutra igra finale jackpota od 50€ do 5pts. Oboje još sutra sudjelujemo u Last chance-u. 
Od poznatih faca Mochy je ispao u 3. kolu glavnog i u 2. kolu utješnog. Wachtel i Braconi su isto rano ispali i iz glavnog i iz utješnog. (Mochy, Wachtel i Braconi igraju u 1. diviziji. Entry fee za 1. diviziju je 700€, a za drugu 300€, op.ur.)

WBF - XXIII European Backgammon Championship, Velden, glavni turnir

Tomislav Jurlin i Mislav Kovačić izgubili su mečeve glavnog turnira u pojedinačnoj konkurenciji, 2. divizija. Više o tome SMS-om (03:20) iz Veldena Mislav Kovačić:

I ja i Jurlin smo dobili 1. kolo, a 2. izgubili. Igrao sam protiv Arde Findikoglua iz Turske i super je igrao, expert u najmanju ruku. Pozdravio je tebe i Leonarda. Ove godine ne može u Dubrovnik, ali će doći slijedeće. Svaka mu čast na fairplayu, u jednom trenutku mi je dozvolio da vratim potez i odigram za njega puno neugodniji iako sam zabunom pokupio kockice. Ništa, valjda ćemo imati više sreće u utješnom.

Pregled backgammon turnira u Europi

Prema kalendaru Carol Joy Cole, ovog vikenda se igraju u Europi igrati slijedeći turniri:

Apr 27-May 1..*European Championship & Velden Open, Velden, Austria..3903319-23537
Apr 27-May 1..*Play65/EBGT: European Pro Championships & Doubles, Cyprus....E-mail
Apr 30........*Rhein-Neckar-Cup Monthly, MFC Phönix, Mannheim, GER...496204-620396
May 1.........*Rotterdam Superzondag, Café oKay, Rotterdam, Holland...316-53579164

petak, 29. travnja 2011.

4. klupski turnir u Zagrebu, Medačka 18, najava

U petak 06. svibnja 2011. s početkom u 19:00, održati će se u prostorijama backgammon kluba Zagreb, Medačka 18, četvrti ovogodišnji klupski turnir. 

Kotizacija za sudjelovanje je 100kn, a nagrada pobjedniku backgammon ploča, rad Hasana Lonića iz Bihaća. Nagrade za 2. i 3. mjesto dodjeljuje tvrtka Nobel. Format turnira je swiss, pet mečeva do pet bodova. 

Opširnije na

Backgammon na Hrvatskoj televiziji, najava

U nedelju 08. svibnja oko 15:00 na  HRT 1 prikazati će se emisija o backgammonu, snimljena u Mostaru. Gosti emisije Draženko Vučina, Dragi Hrvić, Senad Jelin i dr. 

WBF - 8th European Doubles Consulting Championship, Velden

Tomislav Jurlin i Mislav Kovačić izgubili su u četvrtfinalu (posljednjih osam parova) na europskom prvenstvu parova. SMS-om Mislav Kovačić iz Veldena u 18:35:

Izgubili smo od Nijemaca (odnosno bar su pričali njemački) 9-2. Brutalna nesreća, ali baš brutalna. Poslali su nam veliki nodouble (oko 0.100) i gammonirali nas u toj igri. Imam par pozicija, ali nemam Internet i dalje. Probati ću na hotelski comp instalirati GnuBG, pa ubaciti pozicije, ali tek kasno večeras ili sutra. Inače nisam impresioniran kako su igrali (8.x vjerojatno), dosta nepreciznosti iako su super bacali. U 21:00 počinje pojedinačni turnir, 2. divizija. Mochy i Wachtel su isto ispali i to već u 2. kolu. (Na turniru parova postoji samo jedna divizija. Entry fee je 500€ po paru, op.ur.)


Here Velden! 

Good start of the XXIII European Backgammon Championship: 51 players in the Warm-up, 50 in the R&R Trophy and 25 teams in the Doubles Consulting! Very good performance! 75 players were yesterday in the Backgammon room and today will arrive much players more! The polo-shirt are very good and the players are really happy! 

The Doubles Consulting have a money-prize of 12.500 euros, 7.500 euros for the winners! 
See you in Velden tonight, when will start the Main tournament. 

Marco Fornasir

WBF - 8th European Doubles Consulting Championship, Velden

Ove godine u Veldenu, Austrija, Tomislav Jurlin i Mislav Kovačić igraju na turniru parova. 

Iz Veldena se danas u 3:35, po završetku prvog dana SMS-om javio Mislav Kovačić:

1. kolo smo bili slobodni, 2. kolo smo pobijedili vrlo solidne Turke. Naš meč je ostao zadnji, početak je bio oko 22:30, a kraj u 2:30. Rezultat 9-6 nakon 15 igara. Bez sata igrat - naporno, ali s druge strane naglasak na kvaliteti, obostrano analiziranje poteza do ludila. Čak i ima to neku čar, iako ja preferiram sat. U 15:30 nastavak.

Update 10:25:

Na turniru sudjeluje, čini mi se, 25 parova, ako dobijemo u polufinalu smo (i cashu). Najjači par je Mochy(Japan)/Wachtel(USA). Slikali smo otprilike 7 pozicija (najviše cube), ali nemam Internet u sobi da ih pošaljem. Probati ću kroz popodne/večer s hotelske mreže čim budem mogao. Nadam se kako će nam protivnici i dalje dozvoljavati snimanje.

četvrtak, 28. travnja 2011.

Avionske karte Zagreb-Dubrovnik za 250kn

Doletite iz Zagreba na Dubrovnik Backgammon Open 2011 za samo 250kn. Croatia Airlines povodom 20 godina postojanja radi promotivnu akciju. Karte se mogu kupiti preko Interneta ili na bilo kojem prodajnom mjestu tvrtke i to samo 5. svibnja, a vrijediti će do 30. svibnja ove godine.

Više informacija na T-portalu.

Senzor board "Bezma" new design

Backgammon board Bezma sa mogućnošću "pamćenja" poteza i zapisivanja čitavog meča u mat file, pogodan za kasniju analizu (eXtremme Gammon ili GNU Backgammon) ima novi dizajn. 

Njegov kreator Jakob Garal (autor intrigantnih, ali od šire backgammon zajednice nikad prihvaćenih Fair Backgammon Tournament Rules), izbacio je pomoćne konzole koje su se spajale na ploču i objedinio njihovu funkcionalnost u jedinstveni kontrol panel ugrađen sa strane u sam board. 

Umjesto random generatora, iz prethodne verzije, predviđeno je da se brojevi s ručno bačenih kocaka unose pomoću kontrol panela. Nema više karakterističnih senzora u obliku rupica, već površina ploče izgleda "normalno". Za nešto više reći o feelingu (što je bila slaba strana "stare" verzije) trebalo bi je isprobati. 

Cijena ovog izvanrednog sredstva za učenje kojim možete automatski zapisivati sve vaše u živo odigrane mečeve i preko USB kabela ih unijeti u računalo nije mala i iznosi 1500€.

First official Russian OPEN Backgammon Tournament

Dear BG-fans, 

I'd like inform you about first official Russian OPEN Backgammon Tournament that will be held from 6 till 9 May in Hotel "Volgar" near city Kostroma. 

There will be three forms of backgammon competitions: backgammon, classic nardy (without doubling cube) and nardy with doubling cube (tavla or moultezin in another languages). 

Format for all competitions: preliminary Swiss tournament - 5 rounds to find the best 8 players. Final - double elimination. Backgammon tournament - 5 rounds till 7 points. Final round - victory brackets -11 points, looser brackets - 9 points. 

Tournament fee - 80 €. Prize fund garantee - 2000€. Hotel - 150€ all inclusive. 

For more details and registration - please, contact me directly. 

Hope to see you in Kostroma 

srijeda, 27. travnja 2011.

NBT - 23rd NORDIC BACKGAMMON OPEN 2011, rezultati

April 21-25, 2011; Copenhagen, Denmark 

CHAMPIONSHIP (106): 1-Ralf Jonas (Germany), 2-Christian Sørensen (Denmark), 3/4-Tage Mellgren (Denmark) / Michihito Kageyama (Japan), 5/8-Kåre Aronsson (Sweden) / Martin Birkhan (Germany) / Mårten Howe (Sweden) / Robin Swaffield (Hong Kong), 1LC-Tommi Haanranta (Finland), 2LC-Alain Babillon (France).

Potpun izvještaj na stranici International Tournaments Results, koju uređuje Carol Joy Cole. 

Završen je i susret selekcija Danske i Svijeta. Na forumu može se skinuti finalni meč ekipa. Oba tima igrala su sa extremno niskim PR-om, do sada neviđenim na backgammon turnirima. Prema World Class analizi eXtremme Gammona* v1, ekipa svijeta igrala je 0.9 and Danska 1.2. PR-ove ostalih mečeva ovog prestižnog ogleda pogledajte ovdje.

Dostupni su za download i svi mečevi dvoboja, kao i video clipovi sa turnira (interview sa Bob Wachtelom, Falafel, Michy i Wachtel analiziraju poziciju, Mochy-jev seminar itd). Kako to izgleda na Nordic Openu može se vidjeti i na slikama.

*Podsjećamo kako ćemo na Dubrovnik Backgammon Openu 14-15.05. najbolje plasiranim igračima, uz novčane nagrade, dodijeliti između ostalog i dvije kopije eXtreme Gammona.

ELO rejting lista Tavla saveza BiH

Tavla savez BiH krenuo je sa novom ELO listom, kreiranom uz pomoć servisa. Hrvatski backgammon savez od prvog backgammon turnira u Rijeci 2009. godine koristi spomenuti web site pri kreiranju vlastite ELO liste, koju ažurira Leonardo Jerković. Kriterij za uvrštenje na listu su odigrana barem tri turnira u poslijednjih godinu dana.

više informacija:

Rotterdam Backgammon Supersunday May 1st, invitation

Supersunday 24th of April is rescheduled to May 1st.

ENTREE FEE € 100.- ( 100% PRICE MONEY ) 

Please let me know if you’re planning to play, 

greetings Ed Baars 
tel 0653579164 

USBGF: 1st Collegiate Backgammon Championships, report

The U.S. Backgammon Federation (USBGF) is pleased to announce the winner of the first U.S. Collegiate Backgammon Championships: the University of California at Los Angeles defeated Northwestern University in the finals in an online event on April 23rd. The UCLA team consisted of Dan Ben-Moshe, Joe Roth, and Ashim Ahuja, each of whom received a $300 scholarship from the U.S. Backgammon Foundation.

According to Joe Russell, Chairman of the USBGF Education Committee and organizer of the event, “I was truly amazed at the high quality of play. Most of these students are new to tournament play, but they put in a lot of study and hard work the past few months preparing for this competition. “

Perry Gartner, President of the USBGF: “Thanks go to USBGF members who organized the tournament, coached the students, proctored the online play, and funded the scholarship prizes. As a result, backgammon is now a growing attraction at colleges and universities across the U.S.” Over two dozen schools across the country have started backgammon clubs in the past year under the leadership of Phil Simborg, USBGF Education Advisor.

The Northwestern University finalist team included: Uri Magaram, Naveed Heydari, Kerem Taskin, and Michael Harper.* The six other participating teams included: Clemson (Ben Cousins, Justen Brewster, Christopher Corsi), Harvey Mudd College (Emily Fischer*, Louis Ryan, Jonathan Schwartz), Indiana University (Benjamin Hugon, Brian Rogers, Eric Wallace), a second Northwestern team (Jesse Anderson-Leyman, Stephen Bock, and Michael Davis), Princeton (Kamron Saniee, Boris Alexeev, Onder Polat), and Yale (Ryan McKinnon, Yuval Bussi, Edward Shaer*). * Floater or did not play.

WBF Turkey 2011 Mediterranean Backgammon Championship

My dear friend, 

I am glad to personally inform you about our organization, WBF-Turkey`s next annual international championship in Antalya, 2011 Mediterranean Open, which will be the third step for Worldwide Backgammon Federation`s Golden Circuit in 2011. In this giant championship of 8 different categories, we will be honoured to welcome you too between approximately 100 players from different countries including well known backgammon masters as well. Let me additionally inform you that you will be one of the VIP guests in case you intend to join this backgammon carnaval between 20-22nd of May 2011

Detailed info is on the link.

Best regards from Turkiye, 

Arda Findikoglu 
Main Director, TMTODG 


Backgammon Newsletter - Vol. 13, #16, 26 Apr 2011


Reductionism is the Key to Understanding Backgammon
Phil Simborg
Reductionism is the Key to Understanding Backgammon
20 Apr 2011  -  by Phil Simborg
The reductionism process applies to understanding the deeper, underlying reasoning behind all of our backgammon decisions. Like the scientist, conduct blind studies and experiments and see if you can truly find a direct cause and effect.

Rating: Article rated by 4 users  5.00

Feature Columnists

Mythbusters 4: Midpoint
Mythbusters 4: Midpoint
25 Apr 2011  -  by Stick
This month's myth to be potentially busted is 'Don't break the midpoint'. We all know at some point the midpoint has to go or we'd get gammoned every game but under what circumstances is it ok to let go of that point?

Rating: Article rated by 5 users  5.00

GammonVillage Magazine surađuje sa Dubrovnik Backgammon Open 2011 turnirom gdje će najbolje plasiranim igračima uz novčane nagrade biti dodijeljene, među ostalim, i dvije jednogodišnje pretplate na GammonVillage Magazine. Zahvaljujemo se glavnom uredniku GammonVillage Magazina, Melu Dragicevicu na podršci. Više informacija na Dubrovnik Backgammon Forumu.

nedjelja, 24. travnja 2011.

Dubrovnik Backgammon Magazine: Daily Fresh News

Nordic Open 2011 Broadcast Schedule 

22:00 Final
Team Consulting final

11:00 Quarter Final Main
14:00 Semi Final Main
17:00 Final Main 

Jučer odigrani meč parova dostupan je za download. 
PR: Danska 1.7 - Svijet 1.5

WBF - XXIII European Backgammon Championship

Slijedeći tjedan održava se turnir u Veldenu. Iz Hrvatske su svoj odlazak najavila dvojica igrača, Tomislav Jurlin i Mislav Kovačić. Vijesti iz Veldena ćemo redovito objavljivati, a očekujemo i priloge na Dubrovnik Backgammon Forumu. Ovdje možete skinuti  flyer turnira i preporučeni smještaj.

eXtreme Gammon 2 Beta version

Izašla je beta verzija najboljeg backgammon softwarea na svijetu, eXtreme Gammona. Njegov autor Xavier Dufaure de Citres najavio ju je postom na forumu, iz kojeg izdvajamo:  "... I'd like to thanks the people who allowed me to use their computers for the retraining of the neural network: Neil Kazaross, Claude Landry, John Kendrick, Scott Krause and Miran Tuthan."

Podsjećamo kako ćemo na Dubrovnik Backgammon Openu 14-15.05. najbolje plasiranim igračima, uz novčane nagrade, dodijeliti između ostalog i dvije kopije eXtreme Gammona.

 Dubrovnik Backgammon Columns
U sklopu rubrike kolumni Dubrovnik Backgammon Magazina, najavljujemo uskoro interview sa Ninom Martinčevićem, našim igračem koji živi i radi u Njemačkoj. Nino inače igra pod nickom DonZampano na GridGammonu i trenutno ima rating 1891.

petak, 22. travnja 2011.

Dubrovnik Backgammon Magazine: Daily Fresh News

Nordic Open 2011 Broadcast Schedule 

12:00 Double Consolation 
Match 1: Sander Lylloff/Morten Holm vs. Masayuki Mochizuki /Matt Cohn-Geier 
Match 2: Marc Olsen/Thomas Kristensen vs. Falafel & David Wells 

Na Stick Rice je analizirao SpeedGammon mečeve prvog dana turnira. 

Na kalendaru Carol Joy Cole ovog vikenda nema drugih događanja osim Nordic Opena.


Dubrovnik Backgammon Open 2011 imat će komisiju za rješavanje mogućih spornih slučajeva. Više o tome na Dubrovnik Backgammon Forumu.


Dubrovnik Backgammon Magazine najavljuje novi feature, Dubrovnik Backgammon Columns. Svi oni koji misle da imaju što za reći o backgammonu, ukoliko to žele, pozvani su pisati kolumnu na stranicama našeg magazina. Uskoro opširnije. 

četvrtak, 21. travnja 2011.

Nordic Open 2011 Broadcast Schedule

Nordic Open, 23. izdanje,  počinje danas 21.04. u Kopenhagenu u Scandic Hotelu i trajati će do 25.04.2011. Za vrijeme turnira održati će se, kao i prošle godine, backgammon susret ekipa Danske i Svijeta. Svi mečevi ovog dvoboja prenositi će se preko Interneta.

13:00 Speed matches
Match 1:  Morten Holm vs. Ralf Jonas
Match 2:  Sander Lylloff vs. Falafel
Match 3:  Lars Trabolt vs.  David Wells

21:00 DMP matches
Session 1: Thomas Kristensen vs. Robert Wachtel
Session 2: Lars Trabolt vs. Michihito Kageyama
Session 3: Mads Andersen vs. Matt Cohn-Geier

Ovakvi događaji izvrsna su prilika vidjeti kako igraju ponajbolji igrači svijeta. Emitirati će se video iz dvorane, a paralelno će se unositi svaki potez u kompjuter (Snowie ili eXtreme Gammon), slika s kojeg će također biti u streamingu. Za vrijeme broadcasta, obično jedan world class igrač komentira meč (jedne godine je to bio Hugh McNeil, druge Neil Kazaross), a svim ostalim gledateljima je dozvoljen chat.

Nordic Open News RSS Feed, Dubrovnik Backgammon Magazine prenosi na sidebaru s desne strane, dok na forumu, kojeg održava Stick Rice jedan od inicijatora ovih susreta, gotovo sigurno bude još svježijih updatea u postovima igrača koji se nalaze na turniru.

Završni meč susreta Danska-Svijet iz 2010. godine objavljen je na stranici Dubrovnik Backgammon Magazina posvećenoj mečevima. Zainteresiranima čitateljima poslati ćemo sve mečeve iz spomenutog susreta. Kontakt:

srijeda, 20. travnja 2011.

GammonVillage Magazine Newsletter - Vol. 13, #14-15, 19 Apr 2011


Feature Columnists

The Ash Dalvi 3/3 Blitz Count (Part 1) 
Ash Dalvi
The Ash Dalvi 3/3 Blitz Count (Part 1)
15 Apr 2011  -  by Ash Dalvi
We've all seen it happen. You open with 5/4 and play 24/20 13/8; your opponent rolls 3/3, points on you on his 5pt and makes his 3 pt. Then, the following roll, you dance.

Rating: Article rated by 7 users  4.43

Heavyweight Boxing 
Jake Jacobs
Heavyweight Boxing
10 Apr 2011  -  by Jake Jacobs
Once upon a time, when the world was young, so young that the Ents hadn't yet lost the Ent wives, I had never heard of a box take. Hard to believe, but true.

Rating: Article rated by 4 users  4.75

GammonVillage Magazine surađuje sa Dubrovnik Backgammon Open 2011 turnirom gdje će najbolje plasiranim igračima uz novčane nagrade biti dodijeljene, među ostalim, i dvije jednogodišnje pretplate na GammonVillage Magazine. Zahvaljujemo se glavnom uredniku GammonVillage Magazina, Melu Dragicevicu na podršci. Više informacija na Dubrovnik Backgammon Forumu.

BiIBA Info Mail 19 April, 2011

 British Open (8-10 April)
All the results and report and photos can be seen HERE including details of the Japan Taunami Appeal. However, I would think that the best bit of news many of you will want to hear is that the Winner-Takes-All prize fund wasn't won and so we have a Rollover of £510 for the next event!

Britsh Champion - Julian Minwalla

I'd like to thank the Open's sponsor, playwsob for supporting the event and for supplying the trophies and online money credits for some of the winners.

County Cups Trophy (6-8 May)
The second of the year’s four Swiss Format events. Not only do entrants get to play 6 x 11 point matches, but the winner qualifies for the Christmas UK Finals in December with entry into the Last 16 plus two night’s accommodation for the price of one. But what interests you more is the Rollover of £510, which will almost double over the weekend, isn't it?

The English Open (3-5 June)
Another of Biba's national titles, offering the usual four elements and a guaranteed 1st Prize of £350. In addition to the usual Grand Prix points, this event is also a 
Biba Backgammon Tour event, giving every entrant the opportunity to gain points towards theGrand Final in January next year for the Top 8 players. Accommodation take-up is expected to be high so please reserve your room as soon as possible. NB: This event also features the draw of the Biba Backgammon Board Raffle (see below for details).

Biba World Championship (1-3 July)
If you can't make Monte Carlo, perhaps you can make Hinckley!  It doesn't get bigger than this! This is Biba's third World Championship and yet another guaranteed payout of £500 to the winner. 

Fantastic new raffle with a top prize of a Geoffrey Parker board valued at £1125! At the moment we have three boards as prizes and it is hoped that a couple more might also make a donation. However, with the top prize (to date) of the Geoffrey Parker board (a generous donation from Max Parker), and the Dal Negro board donated by The Regency Chess Company, plus the humble, Biba Tournament Board, it is still a pretty good raffle.

Lewis and his brother, James, are giving mum, Ann Brierley, a rest from fundraising and are both doing a summer dash on 3 July at Old Trafford Football Ground. James will be running it and Lewis will be in his wheelchair. If everything goes according to plan, the next time Lewis is at Old Trafford he'll be pushing James around in his old chair! If you'd like to make a donation for their efforts, please go to Lewis's final challenge.

Entry details now online for : The July, Liverpool Open - The October, Coventry Open -The October, 19th Irish Open (new venue for 2011 - full details and web site on the Biba web pa

Also updates to : Calendar including dates for 2011 Mind Sports Olympiad and Wicklow details

Michael Crane

Tournament of Stars and USBGF National Championship


COME TO LA -- JUNE 9-12,2011


The U.S. Backgammon Federation announces the InauguralTournament of Stars and USBGF National Championships to be held at the Four Points by Sheraton at LAX in Los Angeles, California, June 9-12, 2011 concurrently with Gammon Associates’  fabulous L.A. Open.
There will be three USBGF events, with descriptions of each following this list:
  • The Tournament of Stars for USBGF Founding Sponsors
  • The USBGF National Championships for Premium and Youth members
  • The World Giants’ Challenge Quiz
There is no entry fee, but a registration fee of $50 covers hospitality, Saturday banquet, and hotel discounts. Only one registration fee is required for all events.  Join now and enjoy the action in LA!
The Tournament of Stars is a doubles event open to USBGF Founding Sponsors, Giants of Backgammon, and invited Backgammon Greats who have made significant contributions to the game. Partners are selected by Founding Sponsors’ level and date of contribution. Giants may not be paired with Giants. There is no entry fee. Optional side pools are offered at $500 and additional $500 increments with 100% return. Registration closes at Noon on Thursday June 9, 2011, and play commences at 1:30 pm on Thursday.
The National Championships are open to USBGF Premium and Youth members. The first entry in the National Championships is FREE and re-entries are $50 with 85% return.  Qualifying brackets of 8 are held five times (beginning at Noon on Thursday afternoon, 8 p.m. on Thursday evening, Friday at Noon and 7 p.m., and final opportunity to enter on Saturday evening). Players qualifying more than once receive byes. Optional side pools are offered: Open ($100 and $100 increments) and Advanced ($50 and $50 increments) with 100% return.
All USBGF Premium, Youth, Limited members and Founding Sponsors, Backgammon Giants and Backgammon Greats, are invited to enter FREE the Saturday morning WORLD GIANTS’ CHALLENGE QUIZ. Registration closes at 10 a.m. on Saturday morning, and the Quiz will be held 10-11:30 a.m. on Saturday ( all times PST). The Quiz will be  constructed by Giants/Greats.  Trophies will be awarded to Open and Advanced Division winners.  Backgammon Federations world-wide will enter contestants and compete in this Quiz simultaneously with US contenders in L.A..  Winners of the Giant/Great, Open, and Advanced divisions will each receive trophies.  The winner across all divisions world-wide will receive a special trophy.
Non-members of the USBGF may enter for a fee of $25.


The USBGF events are held in conjunction with the Los Angeles Open sponsored by Gammon Associates.

For complete details and an entry form, download theTournament of Stars brochure. The completed entry form may be e-mailed to and payment of registration fee and optional sidepools made by PayPal, to the USBGF  When making PayPal payment, please scroll down page to email section and indicate in subject line: TOS entry fees.
Please indicate in your e-mail to, that payment has been made by PayPal.  Alternatively, checks payable to U.S. Backgammon Federation may be mailed along with the entry form to:
 U.S. Backgammon Federation, c/o Karen Davis, Treasurer, 4838 Laurel Hill Place, Toledo, Ohio 43614.
Don’t miss this exciting event!  Registration, banquet, and side pool fees must be received by the deadline date of May 27th, 2011 so make your arrangements early!
Cordially yours,

Perry Gartner
President/Executive Director
U.S. Backgammon Federation

ponedjeljak, 18. travnja 2011.

Tavla savez BiH - Mostar, rezultati

3. Rejting turnir u 2011. godini
16.04.2011.  Mostar
Pobjednik Budimir Kovačević

Tavla klub Stari Grad iz Mostara bio je domaćin 3. rejting turnira koji je održan 16.04.2011. godine u restoranu CASTLE. Nastupilo je 118 igrača.  Igralo se sedam kola po švicarskom sistemu. Glavni sudac bio je Senad Palata.
1. Budimir Kovačević, 7,  Stari Grad
2. Mehmet Ibrahimi, 6, Šeher
3. Fehim Huseinović, 6, Policajac

pročitajte više na 

ABT - Nevada State Backgammon Tournament, rezultati

April 13-17, 2011; Las Vegas, Nevada 

CHAMPIONSHIP (53 + 13 rebuys): 1-Herb Gurland (MA), 2-Norm Wiggins (CA), 3/4-Patrick Gibson (CA) / Ray Fogerlund (CA); 1C-Al Hodis (NY), 2C- Kent Goulding, 3C/4C-Mark Antranikian (CA) / Malcolm Davis (TX); 1LC-Eduardo Maciel (Brazil), 2LC-Molly Anderson (WA).

INTERMEDIATE (49 + 19 rebuys): 1-Tim Lawless (IN), 2-John Calcott (NM), 3/4-Rob Ring (CA) / Jacques Trividic (Canada); 1C-Vicky Ondis (CT), 2C-Ron Bruns (CA), 3/4-Josh Racko (CA) / Patti Rubin (NV); 1LC-Russ Rosen (CA), 2LC-Evan Etter (FL).

SUPER JACKPOT (13 @ $2,000): 1-Ed O'Laughlin (VA), 2-Justin Nunez (CA), 3/4-Gregg Cattanach (GA) / Fred Kalantari (MN)

Potpun izvještaj na stranici International Tournaments Results, koju uređuje Carol Joy Cole. 

BBT: Manchester One Day 2011, rezultati

Rodney Lighton izvještava o turniru u Manchesteru: 

On a sunny Sunday 17th April, fifty backgammon players from London, the Midlands, Yorkshire, Scotland, Lancashire, Liverpool and Manchester gathered for the annual Manchester tournament. 

The Manchester tournament has never been won by a regular club player from Manchester. This year we provided three semi-finalists in Irving Czechowicz, Kevin Jones and Rodney Lighton. The other semi-finalist was Dan Tutchings from Coventry. Dan played very well to fight back from 4-2 down against Rodney in the semi-final to win 7-4 and then dispatched Kevin Jones by a large margin in the final. Congratulations to Dan on his first major tournament win. 

Meanwhile Brian Lever beat Tim Brown convincingly in the consolation final, while David Phillips beat Dorothy Lee in the Last Chance, to give Manchester two of the trophies. 

In the one pointer Rachel Rhodes from Yorkshire beat David Wallbank from Preston. 

Thanks as usual to Lorraine Lighton for the buffet tea, Alice Lighton and Susan Bourne for administration, Irving Czechowicz for directing and members of the Manchester club for help in setting up and to Manchester Bridge Club for hosting the event. An enjoyable day was had by all and we hope to see them all back next year.

nedjelja, 17. travnja 2011.

PlayWSOB, TrueMoneyGames i XcitingGames down

FBI je danas, u nedjelju, zatvorio tri poker sitea: PokerStars, Full Tilt Poker i Absolute Poker. Ako pokušate otići na njihove stranice dočekati će vas slijedeća obavijest:

Nekako u isto vrijeme korisnici ne mogu više pristupiti ni na TrueMoneyGames, PlayWSOB i XcitingGames backgammon online siteove. Poznato je da su ova tri online sitea u osnovi samo različiti skinovi istog enginea, koji koriste infrastrukturu u vlasništvu kompanije Melita Gaming Network sa sjedištem na Malti. 

Na stranicama, poduži je tekst kojeg prenosimo u cijelosti.
Pokrenuta je diskusija o događaju i na Dubrovnik Backgammon Forumu.

release, 16th April 2011

In recent days it has come to our attention that our technology provider, the Melita Gaming Network (Tmg Ltd) based in Malta may have "critical financial problems" following the sudden departure of senior management, including CEO Mr Trevor Ellis and colleagues.

MGN has a contract with On a Roll Ltd, exclusive rights holder in World Series of Backgammon, to provide a 'white label gaming solution for money play, free play and exclusive and networked online tournaments, including payment processing, for its online backgammon brand,".

MGN has not communicated with PlayWSOB except to say "a shareholders meeting has been called to determine the future of the network".

Players money "is safe" and we understand is 'ring-fenced', whilst also protected by the Malta Gaming Commission.

An 'unofficial MGG spokerperson' has described a "legal process being underway". They will not provide any further information at this stage.

We have however attempted to contact a number of key individuals involved with MGG and are awaiting a statement of affairs.

From the WSOB perspective, we are of course extremely surprised by these developments and angry at the extremely concerning lack of dialogue from the Melita Gaming Network or Group.

We are taking legal advice whilst urgently exploring a new technology partner for a home for our 1000s of players to transfer existing accounts. We are excited by very recent discussions with potential new partners who we believe will provide and even better playing experience. In the meantime, we will also secure answers from MGG and MGN, as a matter of urgency, with information about how players' monies will be returned, if this facility is not in place through the client system.

We apologise profusely to our players and partners for the inconvenience caused, particularly to players wanting to win seats for the WBF European Championships, one of the world's great tournaments, who we recently partnered with. WBF partnered with us in good faith. We will seek to make a financial compensation of some sort to our players on the restart of on a new gaming platform.

Please do contact if you have any specific enquiries. Please do bear in mind we are receiving a high volume of emails at present but will endeavour to answer enquriries as fast as possible as and when we receive information from Melita Gaming.


subota, 16. travnja 2011.

3. klupski turnir u Zagrebu, Medačka 18, rezultati

U petak 15.04.2011. u Medačkoj 18, održan je 3. klupski turnir backgammon kluba Zagreb na kojem je nastupilo 12 igrača. Poredak: 1. Mislav Radica; 2. Tomislav Štrk; 3. Srećko Raić.